TY - T1的复合菌群识别潜在的确诊患者非结核分枝杆菌肺病使用机器学习应用于初级保健数据在英国摩根富林明-欧洲呼吸杂志》乔和J - 10.1183/13993003.00045 -2020欧元SP - 2000045 AU -欧尔·m·道尔非盟-范德朗罗尔德·盟Marko Obradovic AU -彼得·麦克马洪AU -丹尼尔斯植物盟-阿什利投手AU -迈克尔·r·Loebinger Y1 - 2020/01/01 UR - //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/early/2020/04/29/13993003.00045复合菌群- 2020. -抽象N2 -非结核分枝杆菌肺病(NTMLD)是一种罕见的肺部疾病常常错过由于低指数的怀疑和不具体的临床表现。这项回顾性研究旨在描述NTMLD患者在初级保健的确诊之前的特性和使用机器学习的可行性评估(ML)鉴别诊断NTMLD病人。IQVIA医学研究数据(IMRD;将薄,Cegedim数据库),英国电子医疗记录初级保健数据库使用。NTMLD患者诊断确定在2003年和2017年之间的一级或二级护理或NTMLD治疗方案的记录。风险因素和治疗方法提取在确诊之前的时期,遵循文献和临床专家的意见。控制人口是浓缩到至少有一个这些功能。总共有741 NTMLD和112 784控制患者选择。年度NTMLD患病率从2006年到2016年从2.7增加到5.1每100人000人。最常见的诊断和治疗NTMLD患者慢性阻塞性肺疾病、哮喘、青霉素、大环内酯类和吸入糖皮质激素。随机测试相比,毫升改进检测患者NTMLD近千重AUC的0.94。诊断和确诊病例的总患病率NTMLD 2016年估计每100 000 9岁到16岁之间。This study supports the feasibility of ML applied to primary care data to screen for undiagnosed NTMLD patients with results indicating that there may be a substantial number of undiagnosed cases of NTMLD in the UK.FootnotesThis manuscript has recently been accepted for publication in the European Respiratory Journal. It is published here in its accepted form prior to copyediting and typesetting by our production team. After these production processes are complete and the authors have approved the resulting proofs, the article will move to the latest issue of the ERJ online. Please open or download the PDF to view this article.Conflict of interest: Dr. Doyle reports other from Insmed, during the conduct of the study; and is employed by IQVIA.Conflict of interest: Dr. van der Laan reports other from Insmed, during the conduct of the study; and is employed by Insmed.Conflict of interest: Dr. Obradovic reports other from Insmed, during the conduct of the study; and is employed by Insmed.Conflict of interest: Dr. McMahon reports other from Insmed, during the conduct of the study; and is employed by IQVIA.Conflict of interest: Dr. Daniels reports other from Insmed, during the conduct of the study; and is employed by IQVIA.Conflict of interest: Dr. Pitcher reports other from Insmed, during the conduct of the study; and is employed by IQVIA.Conflict of interest: Dr. Loebinger reports personal fees and other from Insmed, during the conduct of the study; personal fees from Savara, personal fees from Grifols, personal fees from Bayer, personal fees from Astra Zeneca, personal fees from Polyphor, personal fees from Meiji, outside the submitted work. ER -