ty -jour t1-呼吸医生在胸膜干预之前进行肋间船舶筛查:现实世界实践的前瞻性研究JF-欧洲呼吸杂志Au -Bedawi,Eihab O.Au -Talwar,Ambika au -Hassan,Maged Au -McCracken,David J. Au -Au au -asciak,Rachelle au -Mercer -Mercer,Rachel M. Au -Kanellakis,Kanellakis,Nikolaos I. Au -Gleeson -Gleeson,Fergus V.Au -Hallifax,Rob J. Au -Wrightson,John M. Au -Rahman,Najib M. Y1- 2020/04/01 UR -http://www.qdcxjkg.com/content.com/content/55/4/4/4/1902245.Abstract N2- 引言胸膜疾病的发生率上升是在国际胸膜服务的国际增长中,医生进行了不断增加的胸膜干预量。这些经常是在不立即接受胸外科手术或介入放射学的部位进行的,诸如胸膜出血之类的严重并发症可能会被低估。IAM可以评估胸腔内科医生在胸膜介入时是否可以进行肋间血管筛查,作为可能增强安全实践的另一个步骤。方法是对第三级中心的呼吸医生和受训者进行的596个超声引导的胸膜手术的前瞻性,观察性研究。操作员没有其他正式的放射学培训。使用低频探针进行肋间容器筛查,并颜色多普勒特征进行。在95%的手术中筛选了肋间容器,并在53%的病例中成功鉴定了肋间动脉(ICA)。筛选导致所有程序的总体位点变化率为16%,当ICA成功鉴定出ICA时,该筛查率为30%。由于缺乏合适的入境地点,这导致2%的案件放弃程序。 Intercostal vessel screening was shown to be of particular value in the context of image-guided pleural biopsy.Conclusion Intercostal vessel screening is a simple and potentially important additional step that can be performed by respiratory physicians at the time of pleural intervention without advanced ultrasound expertise. Whether the widespread use of this technique can improve safety requires further evaluation in a multi-centre setting with a robust prospective study.This study demonstrates that, as the scope of physicians’ pleural practices widens, it is feasible for respiratory physicians to routinely detect the intercostal vessels using the same low frequency transducer when conducting procedures http://bit.ly/2S3SeYo ER -