TY - JOUR T1 - 欧洲呼吸杂志JO - - EUR呼吸杂志DO - 10.1183 / 13993003.02209-2019 VL - 迈向选择性的结核病人在监狱中的低发病率的国家JF筛选55 - 4 SP - 1902209 AU - 德弗里斯,杰拉德AU - 芒德尔,西尔维亚AU - Erkens,康妮AU - 哈达德,瓦利德AU - 扬森,Niesje AU - Kouw,彼得AU - Kamphorst - 罗默,Margreet Y1 - 2020年4月1日UR - HTTP://erj.ersjournals。COM /内容/ 55/4 / 1902209.abstract N2 - 在2018年,806结核(TB)患者在荷兰,这是记录在第二最低数目,因为在通知1980年成为强制性被通报;只有2017具有较少通报病例(N = 783)[1]。In this century, TB notification rates in the Netherlands declined by 50%, from 9.3 patients per 100 000 population in 2001 (1492 patients) to 4.7 per 100 000 in 2018. In 2018, 77% of the TB patients were born outside the Netherlands.Screening all prisoners in low-incidence countries is not effective. Screening data can help to direct screening activities. Continuity of tuberculosis treatment and care is a major concern in prisoners after their release from prison. http://bit.ly/2rzn5l8 ER -