TY - JOUR T1 - 孕妇补铁孕期和哮喘的后代:随访芬兰JF随机试验 - 欧洲呼吸杂志JO - EUR呼吸杂志DO - 10.1183 / 13993003.02335-2019 SP - 1902335 AU - 沙欣,赛义夫O. AU - Gissler,米卡AU - 德弗罗,格雷厄姆AU - Erkkola,Maijaliisa AU - Kinnunen塔里娅一AU - 麦卡德尔,哈利AU - 谢赫,阿齐兹AU - Hemminki,叶琳娜AU - Nwaru,明亮的一Y1 - 2020 /01/01 UR - //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/early/2020/02/06/13993003.02335-2019.abstract N2 - 证据的假设,即产前营养会影响儿童的呼吸道疾病和过敏性疾病的风险有加强了在最近几年。例如,随机对照试验(随机对照试验)表明,母体补充在妊娠维生素d或鱼油可以防止幼儿喘息和哮喘的后代[1,2]。另一个感兴趣的营养是铁。动物实验已牵涉于胎儿气道发育[3]铁。在两个基于人口英国出生队列,采用不同的方法,我们发现的证据表明,在妊娠的产妇低铁含量可提高后代[4-7]气喘,过敏症和降低肺功能的风险。然而,不可测量或残余混杂可能解释这些观测结果的可能性也不能排除。美国的一项研究报告说,孕妇贫血与哮喘子女的母亲的儿童哮喘的风险增加有关,但不是在那些母亲没有哮喘[8],虽然我们并没有证实这种效果修改[5].FootnotesConflict of interest: Dr. Shaheen has nothing to disclose.Conflict of interest: Dr. Gissler has nothing to disclose.Conflict of interest: Dr. Devereux has nothing to disclose.Conflict of interest: Maijaliisa ErkkolaConflict of interest: Dr. Kinnunen has nothing to disclose.Conflict of interest: I have no interest to declareConflict of interest: Dr. Sheikh reports grants from Asthma UK, during the conduct of the study.Conflict of interest: Dr. Hemminki has nothing to disclose.Conflict of interest: Dr. Nwaru has nothing to disclose. ER -