RT期刊文章SR电子T1过量粘液粘度和气道脱水影响COPD气道间隙摩根富林明欧洲呼吸杂志乔和J FD欧元欧洲呼吸学会SP 1900419 10.1183/13993003.00419 -2019签证官55 1 A1林,维维安y A1 Kaza, Niroop A1 Birket, Susan e . A1金,哈里森A1爱德188bet官网地址华兹,劳埃德·J·A1拉方丹则,詹妮弗A1 Liu Linbo A1 Mazur,玛丽娜A1 Byzek,斯蒂芬·a . A1哈贾斯汀A1 Tearney, Guillermo J . A1 Raju s Vamsee A1罗,Steven M. YR 2020 UL //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/55/1/1900419.abstract AB吸烟损害气道粘液清除的机制尚不清楚。我们最近建立了一个显示慢性支气管炎的烟熏慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)的雪貂模型。我们研究了香烟烟雾对粘液纤毛转运(MCT)的影响。成年雪貂暴露在香烟烟雾中6个月,用锝标记的DTPA保留量测量体内黏液纤毛清除率。用显微光学相干层析成像切除气管。用组织学和微粒追踪微流变学评估了原代人气道上皮细胞和离体雪貂气道的黏液变化。重复测量的线性混合模型确定了MCT的关键决定因素。与空气对照相比,暴露在香烟烟雾中的雪貂表现出粘液分泌过多、粘液纤毛清除延迟(- 89.0%,p<0.01)和气管MCT受损(- 29.4%,p<0.05)。胆碱能刺激增加了气道表面液(ASL)深度(5.8±0.3 ~ 7.3±0.6 μ m, p<0.0001),恢复了MCT(6.8±0.8 ~ 12.9±1.2 mm·min−1,p<0.0001)。 Mixed model analysis controlling for covariates indicated smoking exposure, mucus hydration (ASL) and ciliary beat frequency were important predictors of MCT. Ferret mucus was hyperviscous following smoke exposure in vivo or in vitro, and contributed to diminished MCT. Primary cells from smokers with and without COPD recapitulated these findings, which persisted despite the absence of continued smoke exposure.Cigarette smoke impairs MCT by inducing airway dehydration and increased mucus viscosity, and can be partially abrogated by cholinergic secretion of fluid secretion. These data elucidate the detrimental effects of cigarette smoke exposure on mucus clearance and suggest additional avenues for therapeutic intervention.Mucus abnormalities impact COPD airway clearance http://bit.ly/2VEhFjd