@article {Dima1900901,笔者= {迪马,亚历山德拉湖和面包车甘泽,Eric和施泰德之时,Gertraud和德布鲁因,Marijn},编辑= {,和,和德布鲁因,Marijn和迪马,亚历山德拉L.和范甘泽,Eric和Laforest,Laurent和牧草,桑德琳和Belhassen,曼侬和Ginoux,海洋和Jacoud,花神和Nolin,Maeva酒店和SCH {\“U} CK,圣{\'E} PHANE和特谢尔,纳塔莉和Leproust,桑迪和乐Cloarec,H {\'E} L {\`é} NE和哈伯德,理查德和伯克,艾莉森和汤普森,玛丽和小瓶,德尔菲娜和安塞尔,大卫和Olaiz,哈维尔和ORTI,安娜Valcarcel和费雷尔,Montse和加林,Olatz和埃尔南德斯,Gimena},标题= {不坚持吸入糖皮质激素预测随着时间的推移哮喘有关的成果?队列研究},体积= {54},数量= {6},elocation-ID = {1900901},年= {} 2019,DOI = {10.1183 / 13993003.00901-2019},出版商= {欧洲呼吸学会},抽象188bet官网地址= {吸入糖皮质激素(ICS)坚持是哮喘管理的重要。当前对影响证据对结果ICS依从性主要是基于人与人之间数据的相关性分析。虽然人们普遍认为哮喘的结果随时间波动,对内部人的变化的预测证据是稀缺的。我们的目的是量化这些波动,并在两间和内部人levels.A的持续性哮喘患者在法国和英国的前瞻性队列研究(N = 847,年龄6-40岁)ICS坚持和结果之间的纵向关系提供3756通过计算机辅助电话访谈和短信对ICS依从性,哮喘控制,缓解药物使用,加重了报告在长达2年。我们研究通过纵向模式坚持,结局的关系,控制混杂因素,包括severity.Considerable内人称变异被发现的加重(91 \%),哮喘控制(59 \%)和药的使用(52 \%); 431 (11.5\%) reports signalled exacerbations and 2046 (54.5\%) poor control. At between-person level, patients with higher average adherence were more likely to report asthma control (OR 1.25, 95\% CI 1.06-1.47), but not asthma exacerbations (OR 0.99, 95\% CI 0.87-1.12) or lower reliever use (b -0.0004, 95\% CI -0.089-0.088). At within-person level, higher-than-usual adherence was associated with higher concomitant reliever use (b 0.092, 95\% CI 0.053-0.131) and lower subsequent reliever use (b -0.047, 95\% CI -0.005- -0.088); it was unrelated to asthma control (OR 0.93, 95\% CI 0.84-1.02) or exacerbations (OR 1.04, 95\% CI 0.94-1.16).Patients maintaining high ICS adherence over time have better asthma control. Temporarily increasing ICS adherence tends to be simultaneous to higher reliever use and reduces reliever use later on. Causes of within-person variation in outcomes require more investigation.Cohort study in routine care finds large variability in asthma outcomes over time. Patients with higher mean ICS adherence report better asthma control. ICS adherence and reliever use tend to increase at the same time and reduce use of relievers later on. http://bit.ly/2kK1bbv}, issn = {0903-1936}, URL = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/54/6/1900901}, eprint = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/54/6/1900901.full.pdf}, journal = {European Respiratory Journal} }