TY - Jour T1 - 学校高加索儿童多呼吸冲洗结果的规范数据JF - 欧洲呼吸期刊Jo - Eur Respir J Do - 10.1183/13993003 - 1901302-2019 SP - 1901302 Au - Anagnostopoulou,Pinelopi Au - Latzin,Philipp Au -Jensen,Renee Au - Stahl,Mirjam Au - Harper,Alana Au - Yammine,Sophie Au - Usemann,Jakob Au - Foong,Rachel E. Au - Spycher,Ben Au - Hall,Graham L. Au - 歌手,Florian Au - Stanojevic,Sanja Au - Mall,Marcus Au - Ratjen,Felix Au - Ramsey,Kathryn A. Y1 - 2019/01/01 UR - //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/early/2019/12/12/13993003.01302-2019.Abstract N2 - 背景氮素多次呼吸冲洗(N2MBW)技术越来越多地用于评估肺病学龄儿童的通风不均匀程度。但是,目前无法获得健康儿童的参考值。本研究的目的是为健康高加索学龄儿童群组中的N2MBW成果产生参考价值。从四个经验的中心收集了6至18岁的健康高加索学龄儿童的N2MBW数据。使用超声波流量计(Extalyzer D,Eco Medics AG,​​Duernten,瑞士)进行测量,并用商业软件(Spiroware,3.2.1,Eco Medics AG)分析。为肺部间隙指数产生的规范性值和正常限制为2.5%(LCI2.5%)和5%(LCI5%),矩比率(M1 / M0和M2 / M0),以及为功能产生的预测方程剩余能力(FRC)。从6至18岁的180名健康高加索儿童的剩余能力(FRC)。虽然LCI随着年龄的增长而增加,但这种增加可以忽略不计(LCI2.5%的0.04单位/年),因此为该年龄组定义了正常的固定上限。对于LCI2.5%,LCI5%,1.75,为M1 / M0的1.75和M2 / M0分别为6.15,这些限制分别为7.91。 Height and weight were found to be independent predictors of FRC.Conclusion We report reference values for N2MBW outcomes measured on a commercially available ultrasonic flowmeter device (Exhalyzer D, Eco Medics AG, Duernten, Switzerland) in healthy school-aged children to allow accurate interpretation of ventilation distribution outcomes and FRC in children with lung disease.FootnotesThis manuscript has recently been accepted for publication in the European Respiratory Journal. It is published here in its accepted form prior to copyediting and typesetting by our production team. After these production processes are complete and the authors have approved the resulting proofs, the article will move to the latest issue of the ERJ online. Please open or download the PDF to view this article.Conflict of interest: Dr. Anagnostopoulou has nothing to disclose.Conflict of interest: Dr. Latzin reports personal fees from Gilead, personal fees from Novartis, personal fees from Polyphor, personal fees from Santhera, personal fees from Schwabe, personal fees from Vertex, personal fees from Vifor, personal fees from Zambon, grants from Vertex, outside the submitted work.Conflict of interest: R. Jensen has nothing to disclose.Conflict of interest: Dr. Stahl reports personal fees from Vertex Pharmaceuticals, outside the submitted work.Conflict of interest: Dr. Harper has nothing to disclose.Conflict of interest: Dr. Yammine has nothing to disclose.Conflict of interest: Dr. Usemann has nothing to disclose.Conflict of interest: Dr. Foong has nothing to disclose.Conflict of interest: Dr. Spycher has nothing to disclose.Conflict of interest: Dr. Hall reports grants from NHMRC, Australia and USA CF Foundation, and non-financial support from ndd, during the conduct of the study.Conflict of interest: Dr. Singer reports personal fees from Vertex, personal fees from Novartis, outside the submitted work.Conflict of interest: Dr. Stanojevic has nothing to disclose.Conflict of interest: Dr. Mall reports grants from German Federal Ministry of Education and Research , grants from Einstein Foundation Berlin, during the conduct of the study; personal fees from Boehringer Ingelheim, personal fees from Vertex Pharmaceuticals, outside the submitted work.Conflict of interest: Dr. Ratjen reports grants and personal fees from Vertex, personal fees from Novartis, personal fees from Bayer, personal fees from Roche, personal fees from Genetech, outside the submitted work.Conflict of interest: Dr. Ramsey has nothing to disclose. ER -