T1:糖皮质激素依赖性哮喘患者的死亡率增加:全国性的以人群为基础的研究摩根富林明-欧洲呼吸杂志》乔和J - 10.1183/13993003.00804 -2019欧元六世- 54 - 5 SP - 1900804 AU -李,Hyun AU - Ryu Jiin盟——南Eunwoo AU - Chung,唱小君非盟-杨,Yoomi盟——公园、东赢了非盟-公园,大太阳盟——月亮,Ji-Yong AU -金,Tae-Hyung盟——孙,张成泽将非盟- Yoon Ho Joo AU -金,【摘要】N2 -引言慢性全身性皮质类固醇(CS)治疗与许多慢性疾病患者的死亡风险增加有关。然而,慢性全身性CS治疗是否与哮喘患者的死亡率增加有关尚未阐明。本研究的目的是确定慢性全身性CS治疗对成人哮喘患者长期死亡率的影响。方法采用2005 - 2015年韩国国民健康保险服务数据库,对≥18岁哮喘患者进行人群配对队列研究。评估CS依赖组(CS在基线期使用≥6个月)与CS独立组(CS在基线期使用<6个月)患者全因死亡率的95%置信区间的危险比(HR)。结果基线队列包括466 941例哮喘患者,其中8334例为cs依赖,458 607例为cs独立。经1:1配对,确定8334名与cs无关的哮喘患者。与cs无关的哮喘相比,cs依赖性哮喘的死亡率HR为2.17 (95% CI 2.04-2.31)。在接受低剂量CS的患者中,HR为1.84 (95% CI 1.69-2.00); in patients receiving high-dose CS, the HR was 2.56 (95% CI 2.35–2.80).Conclusions In this real-world, clinical practice, observational study, chronic use of systemic CS was associated with increased risk of mortality in patients with asthma, with a significant dose–response relationship between systemic CS use and long-term mortality.Chronic use of systemic corticosteroid (CS) was associated with increased risk of mortality in patients with asthma, with a significant dose–response relationship between systemic CS use and long-term mortality http://bit.ly/2ku3ZJl ER -