RT期刊文章SR电子T1的功效Ado-trastuzumab emtansine her - 2异常的非小细胞肺癌的摩根富林明欧洲呼吸杂志乔和J FD欧元欧洲呼吸学会SP PA4669做10.1183/13993003.国会- 2019。188bet官网地址PA4669 VO 54 5 63 A1夏,杨A1黄,秀A1金,鲁伊A1,温家宝A1沈,Huahao年2019 UL //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/54/suppl_63/PA4669.abstract AB的疗效ado-trastuzumab emtansine HER-2-altered肺癌患者不同。因此,我们评估的有效性T-DM1治疗不同亚型的her - 2畸变。我们寻找发表文章、案例报告,和正在进行的研究报告的有效性T-DM1肺癌her - 2畸变。七个研究符合系统评价的标准。这些研究的主要结果是整体回应率(ORR)。九十三例各种her - 2畸变被确定在7个研究。超表达her - 2 upregulation(蛋白质和/或基因扩增)更常见的吸烟史和腺癌患者,在没有与性有关的差异,而her - 2基因突变与腺癌更常见于女性非吸烟者。奥尔的her - 2畸变是19.35%。亚组分析显示35.00%的奥尔her - 2突变,42.86% her - 2基因扩增,her - 2蛋白表达降低为2.78%。 Notably, the ORR was only 8.33% for HER-2 upregulation but was significantly increased to 46.15% upon concomitant HER-2 upregulation and mutation. Furthermore, the ORR was 25.00% for overexpression plus mutation but up to 80.00% for gene amplification plus overexpression and mutation. T-DM1 is a promising agent targeting HER-2 mutations or amplification in lung cancers, and the therapeutic efficacy may be better for cancers with HER-2 mutation plus amplification. Additional studies of this agent are warranted to confirm the tentative conclusions of this analysis.FootnotesCite this article as: European Respiratory Journal 2019; 54: Suppl. 63, PA4669.This is an ERS International Congress abstract. No full-text version is available. Further material to accompany this abstract may be available at www.ers-education.org (ERS member access only).