ty-jour t1 - 过敏性疾病和自身免疫疾病的长期风险:纵向队列研究和集群分析jf - 欧洲呼吸杂志jo - 欧元reshir j do - 10.1183/13993003.00476-2019 vl - 54是 - 5 sp - 1900476 au -Krishna,Mamidipudi Thirumala Au - 亚克拉达州Anramanian,Anuradhaa Au - Adderley,Nicola J. Au - Zemedikun,Dawit T. Au - GKoutos,Georgios V. Au - Nirantharakumar,Krishnarajah Y1 - 2019/11/01 UR - http:// Erj。ersjournals.com/content/54/5/1900476.Abstract n2 - 引入过敏性疾病和自身免疫障碍之间的关联并不确定。我们的目标是确定过敏性鼻炎/结膜炎(ARC),特应湿疹和哮喘的自身免疫疾病的发病率,并调查共同模式。方法这是一个回顾性的队列研究(1990-2018),采用从中提取的数据健康改进网络(英国初级保健数据库)。暴露基团包含弧形,特应性湿疹和哮喘(全年)。对于每位暴露的患者,最多可随机选择的随机选择的年龄和性匹配对照,没有任何记录过敏性疾病。使用泊松回归计算调整后发射率比(AIRR)。还采用关联规则挖掘(ARM)进行横截面研究来研究疾病群。分别包括弧形,特应湿疹和哮喘的患者782 320,1393 570和1 049 868患者。系统狼疮季葡萄酒(SLE),Sjögren的综合征,白癜风,类风湿性关节炎,牛皮癣,无菌贫血,炎症性肠病,乳糜泻和自身免疫性甲状腺炎,与对照相比,三种过敏性疾病均匀较高。具体地,SLE(1.45)和Sjögren综合征(1.88)的Airr在弧中较高; aIRRs of SLE (1.44), Sjögren's syndrome (1.61) and myasthenia (1.56) were higher in asthma; and aIRRs of SLE (1.86), Sjögren's syndrome (1.48), vitiligo (1.54) and psoriasis (2.41) were higher in atopic eczema. There was no significant effect of the three allergic diseases on multiple sclerosis or of ARC and atopic eczema on myasthenia. Using ARM, allergic diseases clustered with multiple autoimmune disorders. Three age- and sex-related clusters were identified, with a relatively complex pattern in females ≥55 years old.Conclusions The long-term risks of autoimmune disorders are significantly higher in patients with allergic diseases. Allergic diseases and autoimmune disorders show age- and sex-related clustering patterns.This study has shown that the long-term risk of autoimmune disorders is significantly higher in patients with allergic diseases. Allergic diseases and autoimmune disorders co-occur, and show an age- and sex-related clustering pattern. http://bit.ly/33tqkZn ER -