作者@article {Khreis1802194 = {Khreis, Haneen Cirach,玛尔塔和穆勒,娜塔莉和de Hoogh Kees Hoek,杰拉德和Nieuwenhuijsen, Mark j .和Rojas-Rueda大卫},title ={室外空气污染和欧洲儿童哮喘的负担},体积= {54}= {4},elocation-id = {1802194} = {2019},新的证据表明,空气污染可能有助于儿童哮喘的发展。188bet官网地址我们估计了在欧洲,室外二氧化氮(NO2)、直径<=2.5的颗粒物(PM2.5)和黑碳(BC)可能是导致儿童哮喘事件的原因。方法:我们将国家一级儿童发病率和暴露反应函数与儿童(1岁14岁)人口统计相结合,估算了18个欧洲国家和63 442 419名儿童在1 540 386 1 km的细胞内的暴露。年平均污染物浓度是从一个经过验证和协调的欧洲土地利用回归模型中获得的。我们调查了两种减少暴露的方案。对于第一个,我们使用了世界卫生组织(WHO)推荐的年度空气质量指导值。第二项研究中,我们使用了41项研究中记录的最低空气污染水平作为荟萃分析的基础。结果NO2的取值范围为1.4 ~ 70.0 {textmu}g{textperiodic centered}m-3,均值为11.8 {textmu}g{textperiodic centered}m-3。PM2.5的范围为2.0 ~ 41.1 {textmu}g{textperiodcentered}m-3,均值为11.6 {textmu}g{textperiodcentered}m-3。 BC ranged from 0.003 to 3.7{\texttimes}10-5 m-1, with a mean of 1.0{\texttimes}10-5 m-1. Compliance with the NO2 and PM2.5 WHO guidelines was estimated to prevent 2434 (0.4\%) and 66 567 (11\%) incident cases, respectively. Meeting the minimum air pollution levels for NO2 (1.5 {\textmu}g{\textperiodcentered}m-3), PM2.5 (0.4 {\textmu}g{\textperiodcentered}m-3) and BC (0.4{\texttimes}10-5 m-1) was estimated to prevent 135 257 (23\%), 191 883 (33\%) and 89 191 (15\%) incident cases, respectively.Conclusions A significant proportion of childhood asthma cases may be attributable to outdoor air pollution and these cases could be prevented. Our estimates underline an urgent need to reduce children{\textquoteright}s exposure to air pollution.A significant proportion (up to 33\%) of incident childhood asthma cases across Europe may be attributable to outdoor air pollution. These cases are largely preventable, underlying an urgent need to reduce children{\textquoteright}s exposure to NO2, PM2.5 and black carbon. http://bit.ly/36Fe5KN}, issn = {0903-1936}, URL = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/54/4/1802194}, eprint = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/54/4/1802194.full.pdf}, journal = {European Respiratory Journal} }