Simone %A Codecasa, Luigi Ruffo %A Faccini, Marino %A Pontello, Mirella Maria %A Ferrarese, Maurizio %A Castellotti, Paola Francesca %A Senatore, Sabrina %A Lamberti, Anna %A Mazzola, Ester %A Perno, Carlo Federico %A Campisi, Daniela %A Saporiti, Matteo %A Raviglione,马里奥·卡洛% T肺结核中寻求庇护者在米兰,意大利:流行病学分析和评价干预措施的2019% % D J R 10.1183/13993003.00896 -2019%欧洲呼吸杂志% P 1900896 % V 54% N 4% X在欧盟国家,结核病(TB)主要影响被边缘化的人,包括寻求庇护者。截至2017年,从高发病率国家流向意大利的移民人数有所增加,给国家卫生系统带来了挑战。本研究旨在评估2016-2017两年期期间米兰寻求庇护者中的结核病和潜伏结核病感染(LTBI)患病率,并评估实施的干预措施。开发了结核病和LTBI两级主动监测和筛查系统。寻求庇护者在接收地点通过结核菌素皮肤试验(TST)和问卷进行了初步筛查。在区域结核病参考中心,阳性结果的患者接受了胸部x光检查。年龄<35岁胸部x线片阴性的人进一步采用干扰素-γ释放试验进行检测。如果检测结果为阳性,则给予LTBI处理。将结核病和LTBI患病率与文献资料进行比较。总共5324名寻求庇护者,大部分是年轻人(10-39岁; 98%), male (84%) and from sub-Saharan Africa (69%), were enrolled in the study. 69 active TB cases were diagnosed and 863 LTBI-positive individuals were detected. TB prevalence was high (1236 per 100 000 population) and LTBI prevalence was 28%. Despite losses (41%) during the transition from initial screening sites and the diagnostic centre, a good TB cure rate (84%) and optimal LTBI treatment completion (94%) were achieved.Our study shows that TB incidence is high among asylum seekers in Milan and that well-coordinated screening measures are critical for early diagnosis and treatment. It also proves that rolling out successful at-scale interventions for both prophylaxis and disease management is feasible.Asylum seekers are vulnerable to TB owing to migration-related events and marginalisation in destination countries. Coordinated screening and surveillance programmes using well-informed datasets can reduce TB transmission, improve care and address LTBI. %U //