Ty-Jour T1 - 细菌吞噬作用与COPD巨噬细胞的功能障碍Mitochondria有关JF - 欧洲呼吸杂志Jo - Eur Respir J Do - 10.1183 / 13993003.02244-2018 VL - 54是 - 4 SP - 1802244 Au - Belchamber,Kylie B.R.Au - Singh,Richa Au - Batista,Craig M. Au - Whyte,Moira K. Au - Dockrell,David H. Au - Kilty,Iain Au - Robinson,Matthew J. Au - Wedzicha,Jadwiga A. Au - 巴恩斯,彼得J. Au - Donnelly,Louise E. A2 - ,Y1 - 2019/10/01 UR - //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/54/4/1802244.abstract n2 - 增加的反应性氧气(ROS)具有涉及慢性阻塞性肺病(COPD)的病理生理学。本研究检测了外源性和内源性氧化胁迫对COPD.MONOCYTE巨噬细胞(MDMS)的巨噬细胞吞噬作用的影响来自非吸烟者,吸烟者和COPD受试者,在粒细胞巨噬细胞菌落刺激因子中分化(G-Mφ)或巨噬细胞殖民刺激因子(M-Mφ)。从肺组织或支气管肺泡灌洗液中分离肺泡巨噬细胞。在±200μmH2O2中孵育巨噬细胞24小时,然后暴露于荧光标记的嗜血杆菌或肺炎链球菌肺炎链球菌4小时,之后测得吞噬作用,线粒体ROS(MRO)和线粒体膜电位(Δψm)。细菌的吞噬作用显着显着与非吸烟者控制相比,来自COPD患者的G-Mφ和M-Mφ的降低。在非吸烟者和吸烟者中,细菌吞噬作用没有改变MRO或δψm;然而,在COPD中,吞噬作用增加早期MRO和G-Mφ和M-Mφ中的Δψm降低。 Exogenous oxidative stress reduced phagocytosis in non-smoker and COPD alveolar macrophages and non-smoker MDMs, associated with reduced mROS production.COPD macrophages show defective phagocytosis, which is associated with altered mitochondrial function and an inability to regulate mROS production. Targeting mitochondrial dysfunction may restore the phagocytic defect in COPD.Defective phagocytosis in COPD macrophages is worsened by oxidative stress and is linked to altered mitochondrial function. http://bit.ly/2JBeOlw ER -