@article {{c c}olak1900734, author = {{c c}olak, Yunus and Nordestgaard, B{o} ge G. and Vestbo, J{o}rgen and Lange, Peter and Afzal, Shoaib}, title = {{c c}olak, Yunus and Nordestgaard, B{o}rgen and Lange, Peter and Afzal, Shoaib}, title = {{c}olak, B{o}rgen and Lange, Peter and Afzal, Shoaib}, title = {{c}olak, B{o}rgen and Lange, Peter and Afzal, Shoaib},正常肺活量测定常用于排除非特异性呼吸道症状个体的气道疾病。188bet官网地址我们对慢性呼吸道症状与呼吸系统住院和死亡相关的假设进行了检验,这些患者的肺活量正常,但没有已知的气道疾病。我们从丹麦一项基于人口的队列研究中随机选取了108 246名20岁至100岁的个体。正常肺活量定义为支气管扩张剂前的强制呼气量,1 s/强制肺活量比>=0.70。慢性呼吸道症状包括呼吸困难、慢性粘液分泌过多、气喘和咳嗽。患有已知气道疾病的人,即慢性阻塞性肺病和/或哮喘,被排除在外(n=10 291)。我们评估了因气道疾病和肺炎加重而住院的风险,以及呼吸系统和全因死亡率,从2003年到2018年52年间,999名患者的肺活量正常,但无慢性呼吸系统症状,30 890名患者的肺活量正常,但有慢性呼吸系统症状。在随访期间,我们观察到1037例呼吸道疾病加重住院病例,5743例肺炎住院病例,8750例死亡病例,其中463例是呼吸道疾病所致。与无慢性呼吸系统症状的肺计量正常患者相比,急性加重住院患者肺计量正常患者的多变量调整危险比为1.62 (95 % CI 1.20{\textendash}2.18),肺炎住院患者为1.26 (95 % CI 1.17{\textendash}1.37),呼吸死亡率为1.59 (95\% CI 1.22{\textendash}2.06),全因死亡率为1.19 (95\% CI 1.13{\textendash}1.25)。 There was a positive dose{\textendash}response relationship between number of symptoms and risk of outcomes. Results were similar after 2 years of follow-up, for never-smokers alone, and for each symptom separately.Chronic respiratory symptoms are associated with respiratory hospitalisations and death in individuals with normal spirometry without known airway disease.Chronic respiratory symptoms are associated with respiratory hospitalisations and death in individuals with normal spirometry. Persistent symptoms should lead to further investigations for airway disease even with normal spirometry. http://bit.ly/2ZnnO3T}, issn = {0903-1936}, URL = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/54/3/1900734}, eprint = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/54/3/1900734.full.pdf}, journal = {European Respiratory Journal} }