杂志文章:拉扎尔特,朱丽叶,金,特蕾莎,利兰,威廉,怀特,马修,雅各布,泽洪,阿扎德,萨桑,拉奥,维韦克,汤姆林森,乔治,克沙瓦吉,沙弗,供体人白细胞抗原-G单核苷酸多态性与肺移植后死亡率相关%D 2019 %R 10.1183/13993003.02126-2018 %J欧洲呼吸杂志%P 1802126% V 54% N 2% X人白细胞抗原(HLA)-G是一种抑制免疫反应的非经典HLA。其表达被与移植结果相关的单核苷酸多态性(SNPs)修饰。我们的目的是研究供受体HLA-G SNPs与慢性肺移植功能障碍(CLAD)和肺移植术后死亡率之间的关系。在这项单中心研究中,我们检查了345例连续的HLA-G SNPs受体和297例首次双侧肺移植供体。多变量Cox比例风险模型评估了snp与死亡和复盖层之间的关系。经支气管活检(TBBx)和支气管肺泡灌洗(BAL)标本采用定量PCR、ELISA和免疫荧光检测。在平均4.75年的时间里,142名患者(41%)出现了包衣;170人(49%)死亡。多变量分析显示,供体SNP +3142 (GG+CG vs CC)与死亡率增加相关(危险比1.78,95% CI 1.12-2.84;p = 0.015)。相比之下,5个供体SNPs, -201(CC), -716(TT), -56(CC), G*01:03(AA)和14 bp INDEL,降低了死亡风险。 Specific donor–recipient SNP pairings reduced CLAD risk. Predominantly epithelial HLA-G expression was observed on TBBx without rejection. Soluble HLA-G was present in higher concentrations in the BAL samples of patients who later developed CLAD.Specific donor SNPs were associated with mortality risk after lung transplantation, while certain donor–recipient SNP pairings modulated CLAD risk. TBBx demonstrated predominantly epithelial, and therefore presumably donor-derived, HLA-G expression in keeping with these observations. This study is the first to demonstrate an effect of donor HLA-G SNPs on lung transplantation outcome.This largest-ever study on HLA-G SNPs and their relationship to transplant outcomes recognises the role of lung donor HLA-G SNPs on allograft HLA-G expression and outcomes post lung transplantation, a factor previously ignored http://bit.ly/2VZURhm %U //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/erj/54/2/1802126.full.pdf