ty -jour t1-当“ b”变成“ a”时:流感B病毒JF的新兴威胁 - 欧洲呼吸杂志,Lokesh au -Rebaza,Andre au -Dela Cruz,Charles S. Y1-2019/08/01 UR -http://www.qdcxjkg.com/content.com/content/54/54/2/2/1901325.abstract5.abstract n2 -ablenza n2-流感(流感)1918年,据估计,全球死亡估计在50到1亿人口之间,导致了记录的人类历史上最严重的疾病灾难[1]。尽管我们对疾病的理解以及疫苗和抗病毒药的可用性,但流感每年继续杀死更多的人,其致病性却没有明显降低。去年,仅在美国,流感的死亡人数估计为80 000,使其成为最致命的传染病[2]。流感病毒中发生的一个明显变化是流感B菌株的出现,是多年来导致年度疾病的重要贡献。流感B的起源尚不清楚,但最初于1940年左右被隔离,后来在1983年到1983年分为两个透明的谱系,类似Yamagata的菌株和维多利亚菌株[3]。科学和医疗保健社区一直低估了这一重要事件,与流感A. A. A.流感A相比,流感B被标记为“ B”团队,据信与某些流感菌株(例如H3N2)相比,据信是一种温和的病毒。比H1N1这样的流感A菌株更有效[4]。实际上,多项研究表明,流感B病毒在引起严重疾病和死亡率方面增加了效力。流感B是每四到五年最突出的流感菌株。 Furthermore, influenza B infections carried higher risks of hospitalisations compared to influenza A infections in HIV patients [5]. Similarly, influenza B has been described to have significantly higher mortality rates compared to influenza A strains. For example, during the flu season in 2010–2011, influenza B was responsible for 38% of deaths in the paediatric population. National Respiratory and Enteric Virus Surveillance System collaborating laboratories indicated that only 26% of circulating strains of flu were influenza B viruses during this period [6]. Similarly, a Canadian study from 2004 to 2013 found significantly higher mortality rates due to influenza B compared to influenza A in children younger than 16 years of age [7]. These data strongly refute the claims that influenza B is the milder version of the flu. In this issue of the European Respiratory Journal, the study by Bui et al. [8] sheds light on influenza B interactions within the human respiratory tract and lung to demonstrate its pathogenicity and its potential to spread and cause severe lung infections.Influenza B virus can be as virulent as influenza A http://bit.ly/2SnBZ72 ER -