RT期刊论文SR电子T1肺血管密度:与组织学JF欧洲呼吸杂志JO欧洲呼吸ĴFD欧洲呼吸协会SP上计算机断层成像结果比较1900370 DO 10.1183 / 13993003.00370-2019 VO 54 2 A1 RAHAGHI,Farbod N. A1188bet官网地址Argemí,杰玛A1纳德利,彼得A1多明戈斯 - Fandos,大卫A1阿尔吉斯,佩德罗A1 Peinado,维克托一A1罗斯,詹姆斯C. A1灰,塞缪尔Y. A1德拉要么就让,艾萨克A1来,卡罗琳E. A1迪亚兹,亚历杭德罗·A. A1桑切斯,马塞洛A1 Washko,乔治·R·A1巴贝拉,琼阿尔伯特A1圣何塞埃斯特帕尔,劳尔YR 2019 UL //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/54/2/1900370.abstract AB背景暴露香烟烟雾已经显示出导致血管重塑。血管修剪的计算机断层扫描(CT)成像的措施已与肺血管疾病,与吸烟相关的重要发病率有关。在这项研究中,我们比较远端血管损失的基于CT的措施,组织血管和实质changes.Methods A的80例谁经历了肺切除确定患者成像适用于三维(3D)血管重建(N = 18回顾性分析)和二维(2D)分析第二组(n = 19)。Measurements of the volume of the small vessels (3D) and the cross-sectional area of the small vessels (<5 mm2 cross-section) were computed. Histological measures of cross-sectional area of the vasculature and loss of alveoli septa were obtained for all subjects.Results The 2D cross-sectional area of the vasculature on CT imaging was associated with the histological vascular cross-sectional area (r=0.69; p=0.001). The arterial small vessel volume assessed by CT correlated with the histological vascular cross-sectional area (r=0.50; p=0.04), a relationship that persisted even when adjusted for CT-derived measures of emphysema in a regression model.Conclusions Loss of small vessel volume in CT imaging of smokers is associated with histological loss of vascular cross-sectional area. Imaging-based quantification of pulmonary vasculature provides a noninvasive method to study the multiscale effects of smoking on the pulmonary circulation.Vascular density on CT imaging correlates with vascular density in histology in smokers. Imaging-based quantification of pulmonary vasculature provides a noninvasive method to study the multiscale effects of smoking on the pulmonary circulation. http://bit.ly/2WprQe8