@Article {Zhou1802406,作者= {Zhou,Fei和Wang,Yimin和Liu,Yingmei和Liu,Xuedong和Gu,Li和Zhang,li and Zhang,Xiaoju and Pu,Zenghui和PuBing and Feng, Jing and Guo, Qiang and Liu, Jianhua and Fan, Hong and Chen, Jin and Zhang, Yongxiang and Xu, Zhenyang and Pang, Min and Chen, Yu and Nie, Xiuhong and Cai, Zhigang and Xu, Jinfu andPeng,Kun和Li,Xiangxin和Xiang,Pingchao和Zhang,Zuoqing和Jiang,Shujuan和Su,Xin and Zhang and Zhang,Jie和Li,Yanming和Jin和Jin,Xiuhong和Jiang,Rongmmeng and Jiang和Dong和Dong,Jianping和Song,Jianping和Song,Yuanping和Yuanlin and Zhou,Zhou,Zhou,Yuanlin and Zhou,Yuanlin and Zhou,',Yuanlin and Zhou,Yuanlin and Zhou,'和Zhou,',Hong and Wang,Chen和Cao,Bin},Editor = {,},title = {疾病的严重程度和社区获得性肺炎的临床结果,由成人非Influenza呼吸道病毒引起:一项多中心预注册研究来自Cap-China的多中心注册研究网络},音量= {54},number = {2},Elocation-id = {1802406},年= {2019},doi = {10.1183/13993003.02406-2018},Publisher = {iety},摘要= {尽管已经建立了对流感病毒性肺炎的广泛了解,但非氟因扎呼吸道病毒在社区获得性肺炎(CAP)及其对临床结果的影响仍然不清楚,尤其是在非免疫性成年人中的重要性预先从中国大陆的34家医院招募了机医院的免疫能力患者。通过分子方法检测到呼吸道病毒。在流感和非氟伦萨病毒感染组之间进行了比较。在分析中,总共有915名病毒感染的2336例成年患者中有915例,流感病毒(28.4 \%)是最常见的病毒,随后是呼吸道合成病毒(3.6 \%),腺病毒(3.3 \%),人冠状病毒(3.0 \%),parainfluenza病毒(2.2 \%),人类鼻病毒(1.8 \%)和人类替代性病毒(1.5 \%)。非炎性病毒感染占病毒性肺炎的27.4%。 Consolidation was more frequently observed in patients with adenovirus infection. The occurrence of complications such as sepsis (40.1\% versus 39.6\%; p=0.890) and hypoxaemia (40.1\% versus 37.2\%; p=0.449) during hospitalisation in the influenza viral infection group did not differ from that of the non-influenza viral infection group. Compared with influenza virus infection, the multivariable adjusted odds ratios of CURB-65 (confusion, urea \>7 mmol{\textperiodcentered}L-1, respiratory rate >=30 breaths{\textperiodcentered}min-1, blood pressure \<90 mmHg (systolic) or <=60 mmHg (diastolic), age >=65 years) >=3, arterial oxygen tension/inspiratory oxygen fraction \<200 mmHg, and occurrence of sepsis and hypoxaemia for non-influenza respiratory virus infection were 0.87 (95\% CI 0.26{\textendash}2.84), 0.72 (95\% CI 0.26{\textendash}1.98), 1.00 (95\% CI 0.63{\textendash}1.58) and 1.05 (95\% CI 0.66{\textendash}1.65), respectively. The hazard ratio of 90-day mortality was 0.51 (95\% CI 0.13{\textendash}1.91).The high incidence of complications in non-influenza viral pneumonia and similar impact of non-influenza respiratory viruses relative to influenza virus on disease severity and outcomes suggest more attention should be given to CAP caused by non-influenza respiratory viruses.The high incidence of complications in non-influenza viral pneumonia and similar impact of non-influenza viruses relative to influenza virus on disease severity and outcomes suggest more attention should be given to CAP caused by non-influenza viruses http://bit.ly/2vRTvFK}, issn = {0903-1936}, URL = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/54/2/1802406}, eprint = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/54/2/1802406.full.pdf}, journal = {European Respiratory Journal} }