TY -的T1 -微分血压反应持续正压通气治疗根据高血压患者昼夜模式阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停JF -欧洲呼吸杂志》乔和J - 10.1183/13993003.00098 -2019欧元六世- 54 - 1 SP - 1900098 AU Sapina-Beltran以斯帖非盟-托雷斯,杰拉德盟——贝尼特斯,伊凡盟——Santamaria-Martos费尔南多盟——Duran-Cantolla华金盟——Egea卡洛斯盟——Sanchez-de-la-Torre Manuel AU - Barbe弗兰盟——Dalmases Mireia A2 - Y1 - 2019/07/01 UR - //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/54/1/1900098.abstract N2 -持续气道正压(CPAP)异构影响高血压患者的血压(BP)。然而,CPAP对英国石油公司的影响高血压学科关于昼夜BP模式从未被探索。本研究旨在评估CPAP对BP的影响,考虑在未经治疗的高血压患者昼夜BP模式。这项研究是一种事后分析西班牙队列研究CPAP在高血压(CEPECTA)的影响,多中心,随机试验的CPAP对sham-CPAP最近诊断为系统性高血压患者和一个apnoea-hypopnoea指数在15·h−1事件。我们包括病人来说,24小时动态BP监控(ABPM)数据可以在基线和12周后干预。对象被划分的基础上,蘸比率(七星/ non-dipper)。我们评估的影响CPAP治疗12周后ABPM参数。总的来说,272年高血压受试者包括在分析(113片和159 non-dippers)。基线临床和障碍组之间的变量是相同的。CPAP治疗non-dipper患者有关减少24小时动态BP变量和夜间动态BP测量。 However, a nonsignificant effect was reported in the dipper group. The differential effects of CPAP between the groups were −2.99 mmHg (95% CI −5.92– −0.06 mmHg) for the mean 24-h ambulatory BP and −5.35 mmHg (95% CI −9.01– −1.69 mmHg) for the mean night-time ambulatory BP.Our results show a differential effect of CPAP treatment on BP in hypertensive patients depending on the circadian pattern. Only non-dipper patients benefited from CPAP treatment in terms of BP reduction.Only non-dipper patients benefited from CPAP treatment in terms of BP reduction. Performing ABPM before prescribing CPAP to hypertensive patients may be important in clinical practice to predict BP response http://bit.ly/2Y1umEP ER -