TY - T1的炎症和感染的累积效应对结构在早期的囊性纤维化肺病JF -欧洲呼吸杂志》乔和J - 10.1183/13993003.01771 -2018欧元六世- 54 - 1 SP - 1801771 AU -罗斯诺夫,蒂姆•AU - Mok l .克拉拉AU - Turkovic Lidija AU -贝瑞,卢克J . AU -狡猾的彼得·d . AU - Ranganathan Sarath盟——Tiddens伤害A.W.M. AU -棒,Stephen M. Y1 - 2019/07/01 UR - //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/54/1/1801771.abstract N2 -简介肺部炎症和感染是囊性纤维化(CF)患者肺部疾病的重要临床和预后标志物。然而,在幼儿中,这些症状是短暂的,还是对呼吸道健康有累积的、长期的影响,在很大程度上是未知的。我们的目的是确定它们的重复检测是否对结构性肺病有有害影响。方法对6岁以下的患者进行CT检查,并行支气管肺泡灌洗(BAL)。使用PRAGMA-CF(珀斯-鹿特丹注释网格形态分析CF)方法确定CT上的结构性肺病(疾病百分比)。计数BAL中游离中性粒细胞弹性蛋白酶(NE)和感染的次数,以确定BAL累积史。线性混合模型分析,考虑重复访问和年龄调整,用于确定相关性。结果265名儿童(683次扫描)纳入分析,其中BAL病史1161次。%疾病与既往NE数量显著相关(0.31,95% CI 0.09-0.54;p=0.007),而不是感染(0.23,95% CI−0.01-0.47; p=0.060) detections. Reference equations were determined.Conclusions Pulmonary inflammation in surveillance BAL has a cumulative effect on structural lung disease extent, more so than infection. This provides a strong rationale for therapies aimed at reducing inflammation in young children.Pulmonary inflammation and infection have cumulative effects on structural lung disease in young children with CF. These observations underscore the importance of developing anti-inflammatory interventions for use in early life. http://bit.ly/2VRo8qv ER -