@Article {Feary1900171,作者= {Feary,Johanna R.和Schofield,苏珊J.和Canizales,Jennifer和Fitzgerald,Bernadette和Potts,James和Jones,Meinir和Cullinan,Paul},标题= {实验室动物过敏是可预防的现代研究设施},体积= {} 53,数= {6},elocation-ID = {1900171},年= {} 2019,DOI = {10.1183 / 13993003.00171-2019},出版商= {欧洲呼吸学会},抽象188bet官网地址= {背景历史数据建议15 \%的实验室动物工作者发展IgE致敏和10 \%的实验室动物过敏(LAA)的症状,包括职业哮喘。单独通风的笼子(IVCS)取代常规开放式笼子;我们试图评估他们对Laa.Methods的影响。我们调查了750个实验室动物工作者,并在七个英国机构中测量了空中Mus M 1(小鼠过敏原)水平。我们将敏感性的敏感性与小鼠蛋白质(通过特异性IgE测定或皮肤刺测试)进行了比较,并且在仅限IVC和开放式笼子单元中的工作相关的过敏症状。伊夫斯的全移酶M 1级别比开放式笼子更低单位(几何平均1.00(95 \%CI 0.73 {\ TextEndash} 1.36)与8.35(95 \%CI 6.97 {\ TextEndash} 9.95)NG {\ TextHiodCentered} M-3; P \ <0.001),但多个八 -遍布IVC单元(几何平均范围0.33 {\ TextEndash} 4.12 NG {\ TextHiodCentered} M-3)。来自216名参与者的数据的主要分析与小鼠接触的数据,揭示了IVC单位在IVC单位工作中的敏化的较低率(2.4 \%(n = 2)与9.8 \%(n = 13); p = 0.052)。IVC单位的敏化在0 \%至12.5 \%之间变化。使用拟合呼吸道保护的使用在IVC单位中不太常见,其中敏感性较高。 Work-related allergy symptoms were more frequently reported by mouse-sensitised individuals (46.7\% versus 10.9\%; p\<0.001) and only by those working in open cage units.Conclusion In contemporary practice, LAA is now largely preventable with the use of IVC systems and the judicious use of appropriate respiratory protection.Laboratory animal allergy, an important form of occupational asthma, can be prevented in modern research units using a multifaceted approach including individually ventilated cages to contain aeroallergen exposure and careful use of respiratory protection http://ow.ly/r6dM30oj3Ij}, issn = {0903-1936}, URL = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/53/6/1900171}, eprint = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/53/6/1900171.full.pdf}, journal = {European Respiratory Journal} }