% 0期刊文章%亚伦,凯莉·p·霍夫曼%,埃里克·A . % Kawut, Steven m . %奥斯汀,约翰·莫莱森% Budoff,马修% Michos,艾琳·d·欣克利Stukovsky %,凯伦%一袋,Coralynn % Szpiro,亚当·A . %华生,卡罗尔·d·考夫曼%,乔尔·d·巴尔%,r·格雷厄姆% T环境空气污染和肺部血管体积在计算机断层扫描:MESA空气污染和肺部队列研究(MESA Air Pollution and Lung cohort studies)在一项基于人群的研究中,我们假设长期环境空气污染暴露与肺血管容量的差异有关。方法在美国6个城市中招募成人进行动脉粥样硬化的多种族研究。利用时空模型估算了个人长期暴露于环境黑碳、二氧化氮(NO2)、氮氧化物(NOx)、50%截截空气动力学直径<2.5 μm的颗粒物(PM2.5)和臭氧的情况。在2010-2012年,肺血管总容积作为肺动脉和静脉的容积,包括血管壁和腔内血容量,在胸部计算机断层显像(TPVVCT)。外周TPVVCT局限于外周2cm以隔离较小的血管。线性回归调整了人口统计学,人体测量学,吸烟,二手烟,肾功能和扫描仪制造商。结果3023名参与者的平均年龄为69.3±9.3岁;46%是不吸烟者。平均黑碳暴露为0.80 μg·m−3,NO2为14.6 ppb, PM2.5为11.0 μg·m−3。外周血TPVVCT平均值为79.2±18.2 cm3, TPVVCT平均值为129.3±35.1 cm3。 Greater black carbon exposure was associated with a larger peripheral TPVVCT, including after adjustment for city (mean difference 0.41 (95% CI 0.03–0.79) cm3 per interquartile range; p=0.036). Associations for peripheral TPVVCT with NO2 were similar but nonsignificant after city adjustment, while those for PM2.5 were of similar magnitude but nonsignificant after full adjustment. There were no associations for NOx or ozone, or between any pollutant and TPVVCT.Conclusions Long-term black carbon exposure was associated with a larger peripheral TPVVCT, suggesting diesel exhaust may contribute to remodelling of small pulmonary vessels in the general population.In this large population-based study, higher ambient exposure to black carbon was associated with a greater volume of peripheral pulmonary vessels measured on noncontrast CT, suggesting diesel exhaust may impact small vessel remodelling in the lung http://ow.ly/nAEY30o8co4 %U //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/erj/53/6/1802116.full.pdf