TY - JOUR T1 - 一种用于呼吸理疗研究生教育指南:统一课程JF的介绍 - 欧洲呼吸杂志JO - 欧洲呼吸j执行 - 10.1183 / 13993003.00320-2019 VL - 53 - 6 SP - 1900320 AU - Troosters,亨利AU- 兰格,丹尼尔AU - Burtin,克里斯AU - 查特文,米歇尔AU - Clini,恩里科M. AU - Emtner,玛格丽特AU - Gosselink的,里克 - AU - 格兰特,凯瑟琳AU - 伊纳勒 - 因斯,德尼兹AU - Lewko,Agnieszka AU -主,埃莉诺AU - Oberwaldner,比阿特丽斯AU - 塔宾,娜塔莉AU - 皮塔,法比奥Y1 - 2019年6月1日UR - //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/53/6/1900320.abstract N2 - 协和万邦教育是的,以确保在世界各国和地区的医疗卫生专业人员的流动性的最重要的挑战之一。虽然患者由同一疾病的影响,它们所关心的医疗保健系统是非常不同的,这些系统内的医疗服务提供商都非常不同的培训。许多国家的卫生教育在很大程度上是基于传统。这是大多数医学专业真实的,以及对物理治疗的教育[1],包括呼吸理疗。职责和专业学术训练的程度在不同国家和地区的[2]有很大的不同。虽然所有教育方案可能是适合一个给定的医疗系统内的宗旨,在知识,技能和态度的变化,使流动性和交叉认证困难,如果不是不可能的。此外,呼吸理疗证据越来越多[3],使这一切更重要的是要预见,准备劳动力的未来[4]研究生培养的框架。 For a global organisation, such as the European Respiratory Society (ERS), it also challenging to design postgraduate education that matches the level of knowledge and skills of all members. The ERS has a long tradition of providing such frameworks for harmonised education and training in respiratory medicine [5]. Figure 1 provides an overview of all available curricula and certified training programmes.The ERS respiratory physiotherapy curriculum sets a new standard for postgraduate respiratory physiotherapy education. It was developed to promote evidence-based practice and physical skills for the respiratory physiotherapist. http://bit.ly/2LwJ0mbThis task force was supported by the European Respiratory Society. The task force members want to thank all participants at the different stages of consultation throughout the process. We are also grateful to the ERS staff Sharon Mitchell and Alexandra Niculescu for their dedicated support in the development of the syllabus and curriculum. ER -