PT - 日刊文AU - Sofianopoulou,叶莱妮AU - Kaptoge,欧锦棠 - 格拉夫,斯特凡AU - Hadinnapola,查拉卡AU - 特里西,卡门M. AU - 教堂,科林AU - 科格伦,格里非盟 - 吉布斯,J.西蒙R.AU - Haimel,马蒂亚斯AU - 霍华德,卢克S. AU - 约翰逊,马丁AU - 基利,大卫G. AU - 劳列,艾伦AU - Lordan,詹姆斯AU - 麦肯齐·罗斯,罗伯特V. AU - 马丁,珍妮弗M. AU- Moledina,沙欣AU - 纽纳姆,欧丁玉 - 孔雀,安德鲁J. AU - 价格,劳拉C. AU - 罗得岛,克里斯托弗J. AU - Suntharalingam,周杰伦AU - Swietlik,艾米利亚M. AU - Toshner,马克河AU- 沃顿商学院,约翰AU - 威尔金斯,马丁R. AU - 草,史蒂芬·J AU - Pepke - 扎巴,乔安娜AU - Condliffe,罗宾AU - 科里斯,保罗A.非盟 - 迪Angelantonio,埃马努埃莱AU - 普罗文,吊杆AU -莫雷尔,尼古拉斯W. TI - 交通暴露,空气污染和结果肺动脉高压:英国队列研究分析AID - 10.1183 / 13993003.01429-2018 DP - 2019月01日TA - 欧洲呼吸杂志PG - 1801429 VI - 53IP - 5 4099 - 4100 // - // SO - 欧洲呼吸J201905月01日;53 AB - 虽然交通和空气污染暴露在许多疾病与增加的死亡率相关,其与疾病严重程度和肺动脉高压(PAH)的结果关联仍然unknown.Exposure到具有50%的截止值空气动力学直径的颗粒物≤2.5 μm (PM2.5), nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and indirect measures of traffic-related air pollution (distance to main road and length of roads within buffer zones surrounding residential addresses) were estimated for 301 patients with idiopathic/heritable PAH recruited in the UK National Cohort Study of Idiopathic and Heritable PAH. Associations with transplant-free survival and pulmonary haemodynamic severity at baseline were assessed, adjusting for confounding variables defined a priori.Higher estimated exposure to PM2.5 was associated with higher risk of death or lung transplant (unadjusted hazard ratio (HR) 2.68 (95% CI 1.11–6.47) per 3 μg·m−3; p=0.028). This association remained similar when adjusted for potential confounding variables (HR 4.38 (95% CI 1.44–13.36) per 3 μg·m−3; p=0.009). No associations were found between NO2 exposure or other traffic pollution indicators and transplant-free survival. Conversely, indirect measures of exposure to traffic-related air pollution within the 500–1000 m buffer zones correlated with the European Society of Cardiology/European Respiratory Society risk categories as well as pulmonary haemodynamics at baseline. This association was strongest for pulmonary vascular resistance.In idiopathic/heritable PAH, indirect measures of exposure to traffic-related air pollution were associated with disease severity at baseline, whereas higher PM2.5 exposure may independently predict shorter transplant-free survival.In idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension, exposure to indirect measures of traffic-related air pollution was associated with haemodynamic severity and ESC/ERS risk score at baseline, whereas exposure to PM2.5 was associated with long-term prognosis