TY - T1的系统性和结合endosonographic肺癌的分期研究(得分)摩根富林明-欧洲呼吸杂志》乔和J - 10.1183/13993003.00800 -2018欧元六世- 53 - 2 SP - 1800800 AU Crombag劳伦斯M.M.盟——注定,克利斯朵夫盟——Stigt乔斯a . AU - Tournoy,库尔特·g . AU - Schuurbiers,奥尔加C.J.盟——NinaberMaarten k . AU - Buikhuisen Wieneke a . AU - Hashemi赛义德硕士非盟- Bonta,彼得。非盟- Korevaar,丹尼尔·a . AU - Annema Jouke t Y1 - 2019/02/01 UR - //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/53/2/1800800.abstract N2 -指南推荐endosonography纵隔淋巴结分期可切除的患者nonsmall细胞性肺癌(NSCLC)。我们假设,系统支气管超声(EBUS)评估与使用相同的EBUS支气管镜(EUS-B)的食管检查相结合,与目前单独使用定向正电子发射断层扫描(PET)-计算机断层扫描(CT)引导的EBUS分期相比,可以改善纵隔淋巴结分期。一项前瞻性、多中心的国际研究(NCT02014324)对(疑似)可切除的NSCLC患者进行了连续研究。PET-CT后,患者进行系统性EBUS和EUS-B检查。CT、PET、EBUS和/或EUS-B成像可疑节点,取4R、4L和7个(短轴≥8mm)站点。对于内窥镜检查无N2/N3疾病的患者,以手术病理分期为参考标准。229例患者被纳入本研究。229例患者中,N2/N3患病率为103例(45%)。pet - ct引导下的EBUS靶向入路检测出75例N2/N3疾病患者(敏感性73%,95% CI 63-81%;负预测值(NPV) 81%, 95% CI 74-87%。系统EBUS还发现4例额外的N2/N3疾病患者(敏感性77%,95% CI 67-84%; NPV 84%, 95% CI 76–89%) and five more by EUS-B (84 patients total; sensitivity 82%, 95% CI 72–88%; NPV 87%, 95% CI 80–91%). Additional clinical relevant staging information was obtained in 23 out of 229 patients (10%).Systematic EBUS followed by EUS-B increased sensitivity for the detection of N2/N3 disease by 9% compared to PET-CT-targeted EBUS alone.In lung cancer patients, a systematic endobronchial ultrasound (EBUS) combined with an oesophageal investigation using the same EBUS bronchoscope (EUS-B) increases the sensitivity for mediastinal nodal staging by 9% compared to a targeted EBUS procedure http://ow.ly/aPqF30mJ15q ER -