早发哮喘会增加儿童肥胖风险吗?集中分析16个欧洲军团摩根富林明欧洲呼吸杂志乔和J FD欧元欧洲呼吸学会SP 1800504 10.1183/13993003.00504 -2018签证官52是3 A1孔特雷拉斯,Z188bet官网地址uelma A . A1陈Zhanghua A1 Roumeliotaki, Theano A1 Annesi-Maesano,伊莎贝拉A1 Baiz,努尔A1·冯·伯格,安德里亚·A1 Bergstrom安娜A1牧杖,莎拉A1 Duijts,利A1埃克斯特龙,桑德拉A1埃勒,Esben A1 Fantini,玛丽亚·A1·卡亚尔:Henrik Fomsgaard A1 Forastiere,弗朗西斯科·A1哈,比阿特丽克斯A1戈里,Davide A1 Harskamp-van Ginkel, Margreet W. A1 Heinrich, Joachim A1 Iñiguez, Carmen A1 Inskip, Hazel A1 Keil, Thomas A1 Kogevinas, Manolis A1 Lau, Susanne A1 Lehmann, Irina A1 Maier, Dieter A1 van Meel, Evelien R. A1 Mommers, Monique A1 Murcia, Mario A1 Porta, Daniela A1 Smit, Henriëtte A. A1 Standl, Marie A1 Stratakis, Nikos A1 Sunyer, Jordi A1 Thijs, Carel A1 Torrent, Maties A1 Vrijkotte, Tanja G.M. A1 Wijga, Alet H. A1 Berhane, Kiros A1 Gilliland, Frank A1 Chatzi,Leda YR 2018 UL //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/52/3/1800504.abstract AB在过去的几十年里,儿童哮喘和肥胖的平行流行刺激了肥胖作为哮喘风险因素的研究。然而,关于哮喘在肥胖发病率中的作用,我们知之甚少。我们研究了早发性哮喘及其相关表型是否与儿童肥胖发展风险相关。这项研究包括丹麦、法国、德国、希腊、意大利、荷兰、西班牙、瑞典和英国1990年至2008年出生的21130名儿童。我们对3-4岁的非肥胖儿童进行了跟踪调查,以了解到8岁的儿童是否患有肥胖症。医生诊断的哮喘,喘息和过敏性鼻炎被评估到3-4岁。医生诊断为哮喘的儿童发生肥胖的风险高于无哮喘的儿童(调整后的危险比(aHR) 1.66, 95% CI 1.18-2.33)。 Children with active asthma (wheeze in the last 12 months and physician-diagnosed asthma) exhibited a higher risk for obesity (aHR 1.98, 95% CI 1.31–3.00) than those without wheeze and asthma. Persistent wheezing was associated with increased risk for incident obesity compared to never wheezers (aHR 1.51, 95% CI 1.08–2.09).Early-onset asthma and wheezing may contribute to an increased risk of developing obesity in later childhood.Children who have asthma or wheezing in early childhood may be at a higher risk of developing obesity http://ow.ly/HfKw30lhF3X