PT -期刊文章盟伯格p·舍伍德AU -Moore, Vicky C. AU - Robertson, Alastair S. AU - Walters, Gareth I. TI - Do laboratory challenge tests for occupational asthma represent what happens in the workplace? AID - 10.1183/13993003.00059-2018 DP - 2018 Jun 01 TA - European Respiratory Journal PG - 1800059 VI - 51 IP - 6 4099 - // 4100 - // SO - Eur Respir J2018 Jun 01; 51 AB - Specific inhalation challenge (SIC) is the diagnostic reference standard for occupational asthma; however, a positive test cannot be considered truly significant unless it can be reproduced by usual work exposures. We have compared the timing and responses during SIC in hospital to Oasys analysis of serial peak expiratory flow (PEF) during usual work exposures.All workers with a positive SIC to occupational agents between 2006 and 2015 were asked to measure PEF every 2 h from waking to sleeping for 4 weeks during usual occupational exposures. Responses were compared between the laboratory challenge and the real-world exposures at work.All 53 workers with positive SIC were included. 49 out of 53 had records suitable for Oasys analysis, 14 required more than one attempt and all confirmed occupational work-related changes in PEF. Immediate SIC reactors and deterioration within the first 2 h of starting work were significantly correlated with early recovery, and late SIC reactors and a delayed start to workplace deterioration were significantly correlated with delayed recovery. Dual SIC reactions had features of immediate or late SIC reactions at work rather than dual reactions.The concordance of timings of reactions during SIC and at work provides further validation for the clinical significance of each test.Positive specific challenge tests with occupational agents in the laboratory and real-life work exposures monitored with PEF show similar reactions