@article {Humbert1702523作者={亨伯特,马克和Taill {\ ' e},卡米尔和磨面,劳伦斯·勒格罗斯,文森特,只是,Jocelyne Molimard,马修},编辑= {,,,Agossou m .和Appere de Vecchi c和Barbare,大肠和Barbry, m . Belleguic-Lebreton, c和Benhamou, d . Bentaleb, a和布兰科,a .和BonniaudP.和布尔贡,M.和布尔阿尔,J.和布鲁西尔,P.和M.Caimmi, d . Catherinot,大肠和凯龙星,r . Claussner-Paulignan, m . Combe-Cayla, p和横,p . Dauriat, g . Delaisi, b和Devouassoux, g和迪迪,t和迪迪埃,a .和多米尼克·杜蒙特美国和p·杜利,s和Dusser d Fayon, m . Gainet-Brun, m·加西亚,g . Guilleminault, l和黑森州,n和Jeandeau,s和Jubin, v和Just, j和Just, n和Kelkel, P-E。和Kerjan,的。拉贝风,a, Laize h . Laoudi, y, Larrousse m和勒冈,y, Leleu o .和Letanche g . Lorillon, g . Mangiapan, g和马朗戈尼,大肠和Marchand-Adam, s和马丁p·毛雷尔,c和Menivale f . Mouget, b和穆勒,d, Nasr m和阮,l·奥斯特,j]。Pegliasco、h·菲利普,b和销,即第一道,c,普鲁斯特,a,普a和拉杜,c和Rakoto, a Rochefort-Morel, c和Rolland-Debord, c和Romand, p .面粉糊,p和解决,c, Siret、d和Taill {\ ' e}, c和Tetu l .和Tiotiu -ⅰ。和Tummino, C. and Valcke, J. and Verdier, S. and Vigneron, P. and Virally, J. and Wanin, S.}, title ={根据血嗜酸性粒细胞计数,Omalizumab对严重过敏性哮喘患者的有效性:the STELLAIR study}, volume = {51}, number = {5}, location-id = {1702523}, year = {2018}, doi = {10.1188 /13993003.02523-2017}, publisher = {188bet官网地址European Respiratory Society}, abstract = {Omalizumab是一种单克隆抗ige抗体,用于治疗严重过敏性哮喘(SAA)。STELLAIR研究的目的是确定治疗前血液嗜酸性粒细胞计数作为奥玛珠单抗反应预测指标的重要性。This retrospective real-life study was conducted in France between December 2015 and September 2016 using medical records of SAA omalizumab-treated patients. Response to omalizumab was assessed by three criteria: physician evaluation, reduction of >=40\% in annual exacerbation rate and a combination of both. Response rate was calculated according to blood eosinophil count measured in the year prior to omalizumab initiation.872 SAA omalizumab-treated patients were included by 78 physicians (723 adults (age >=18 years) and 149 minors (age 6{\textendash}17 years)). Blood eosinophil count was >=300 cells{\textperiodcentered}{\textmu}L-1 in 52.1\% of adults and 73.8\% of minors. By physician evaluation, 67.2\% of adults and 77.2\% of minors were responders and 71.1\% adults and 78.5\% minors had a >=40\% reduction in the exacerbation rate. In adults, the response rate for combined criteria was 58.4\% (95\% CI 53.2{\textendash}63.4\%) for blood eosinophils >=300 cells{\textperiodcentered}{\textmu}L-1 (n=377) and 58.1\% (95\% CI 52.7{\textendash}63.4\%) for blood eosinophils \<300 cells{\textperiodcentered}{\textmu}L-1 (n=346).This study shows that a large proportion of patients with SAA have a blood eosinophil count >=300 cells{\textperiodcentered}{\textmu}L-1, and suggests that omalizumab effectiveness is similar in {\textquotedblleft}high{\textquotedblright} and {\textquotedblleft}low{\textquotedblright} eosinophil subgroups.Omalizumab is a treatment option for severe allergic asthma irrespective of blood eosinophil count http://ow.ly/7tQh30iXNTW}, issn = {0903-1936}, URL = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/51/5/1702523}, eprint = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/51/5/1702523.full.pdf}, journal = {European Respiratory Journal} }