ty -jour t1-要解决欧盟脆弱群体中的结核病:E -Detect TB Consortium JF-欧洲呼吸杂志JO -EUR RESSIR J DO -10.1183/13993003.02604-2017Abubakar,Ibrahim au -Matteelli,Alberto au -de Vries,Gerard Au -Zenner,Dominik au -Cirillo -Cirillo,Daniela M. Au -au -lönnroth,Knut au -popescu -popescu -popescu-Giovanni Battista Y1 -2018/05/01 Ur -http://www.qdcxjkg.com/content/51/51/5/5/1702604.abstract N2-欧盟(EU)(eu)的结核病(TB)越来越成为公共卫生问题不成比例地影响风险群体。2015年,欧盟30号/欧洲经济区(EEA)国家报告了60 195例结核病病例;其中4.1%是耐多药(MDR)TB [1]。欧洲呼吸188bet官网地址学会,世界卫生组织(WHO)欧洲地区,欧洲疾病预防与控制中心(ECDC)和其他合作伙伴已经阐明了潜在的解决方案,这些解决方案嵌入了新的全球结核病控制方法中,结束了结核病[2–5]。在西欧低犯地国家的结核病消除框架中[5],以及2016 - 2020年欧洲世界卫生组织的TB行动计划,该计划涉及整个地区,以更加重视高负担国家[6],显然,需要具体的跨国循证介绍性介入项目。为了解决弱势欧盟人群中结核病的高疾病负担,我们形成了结核联盟(E-DETECT TB)的早期发现。 It brings together world leading TB experts in national public health agencies with industry and major academic centres, and its membership reflects the incidence of TB in different EU countries (figure 1). E-DETECT TB uses evidenced-based approaches to target vulnerable populations, including migrants to the EU, homeless persons, prisoners, problem drug users and those with MDR-TB (table 1). Here we outline the key objectives and progress of this major European TB initiative with a special focus on migrant screening in Italy and active case finding in vulnerable groups in Romania.Tackling tuberculosis requires early diagnosis, treatment and innovative transdisciplinary action through pan-European projects http://ow.ly/1sfJ30jy3VBThe authors gratefully acknowledge the E-DETECT TB (709624) project which has received funding from the European Union's Health Programme (2014–2020). The views expressed here are the authors only and are their sole responsibility; it cannot be considered to reflect the views of the European Commission and/or the Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Executive Agency or any other body of the EU. We are grateful to the staff of the consortium and project partners and colleagues who have commented on this manuscript (G. Stancanelli, V. Hack, M. Seng and D. Menezes). ER -