ty -jour t1-肺炎的网络:足够适当的数量吗?JF-欧洲呼吸杂志JO -EUR RESSIR J DO -10.1183/13993003.00619-2018 VL -51 IS -4 SP -1800619 AU -GREY,ROBERT D. Y1-2018/04/01 UR -HTTP:// http://erjourj.ersjournals。COM/COMP/51/4/1800619.ABSTRACT N2-中性粒细胞外陷阱(NETS)形式形式时,刺激的中性粒细胞会经历氧化爆发并发出DNA,组蛋白,促炎和抗菌蛋白的复合物,以与其他形式的其他形式的蛋白中性粒细胞处置,例如凋亡或坏死。网络与许多重要的疾病过程有关,从传染病到无菌炎症疾病。这种多功能在免疫中的作用导致了关于净净受到的有益或有害影响的意见和证据相互矛盾,并且实际上它们在人类中是否具有主要作用是抗菌防御[1]。在本期《欧洲呼吸杂志》中,Ebrahimi等人。[2]在社区获得的肺炎(CAP)中,在患者稳定性的时间,静脉抗生素治疗的长度和出院时间的情况下,表明高水平的核小体(网状标记)与不良预后之间存在关联。此外,也许更重要的是,那些网络水平最高的人的死亡率较高(所有原因)。有趣的是,当在该队列中研究皮质类固醇对帽结局的影响时,尽管这些患者的临床结果更好,但在第5天和第7天,它们的持续净水平较高(在试验的安慰剂组中也可以看到这一功能,在该试验中,该功能也很慢。 to decline levels of NETs were associated with better outcome), albeit they had started at a lower baseline. This presents a dichotomy where high levels of NETs (at presentation and over the course of CAP) are associated with bad outcome and death, whereas persisting lower levels of NETs into recovery are associated with better outcome. We might speculate that excessive levels of NETs in CAP could represent patients with a higher level of neutrophil activation in response to more severe infections or indeed patients with a higher level of systemic inflammation (a feature previously shown to be associated with adverse outcome in CAP [3]), but the clinical and pathological significance of slower to resolve NETs are less clear. Nevertheless, the present study suggests that the measurement of NETs may be a powerful biomarker of outcome in CAP. The authors go further in suggesting that excessive NETs at baseline and an early exhaustion of NET formation in the context of severe CAP is a potential mechanism leading to poor patient outcome; however, this remains speculative and further mechanistic studies will be required to investigate this feature. So, is there an optimal level of NETs at which health is maintained and too many or too few are detrimental?NETs have been suggested to have both detrimental and beneficial roles in lung infection and inflammation. The reality probably lies somewhere in the middle, where adequate NETs are needed to help control infection but excessive NETs cause damage http://ow.ly/IKH130jqFP3 ER -