ty -jour t1-治疗肺部,愚弄大脑并安抚思想:遭受慢性呼吸疾病的患者的整体护理JF-欧洲呼吸杂志2 SP -1800316 AU -Similowski,Thomas Y1-2018/02/01 UR -http://www.qdcxjkg.com/content/51/2/2/1800316.Abstract N2-在健康的人中,呼吸是最自然的东西世界。无需考虑。无需担心它。它甚至不是有意识的对象。但是,当呼吸变得困难时,当呼吸产生痛苦时,没有什么重要的。生活变色和缩水围绕着一种呼吸行为,这种行为变得难以捉摸,不确定,但普遍存在。随之而来的是残疾,这增加了与呼吸有关的身体局限性的“各种不良心理,精神或其他后果” [1]。因此,呼吸痛苦,无论是呼吸困难,呼吸困难还是任何其他名称,都是患有慢性呼吸道疾病(以及心脏疾病,神经肌肉疾病和严重肥胖症)的患者中生活质量受损的主要驱动因素(通常是主要的)驱动力。)。 To put things more bluntly, not being able to breathe freely is probably the worst thing that can happen to a human being. Dyspnoea has long been compared to pain [2] and has a lot of neurophysiological similarities with it [3, 4]. Yet in many ways dyspnoea is probably worse than pain. Indeed, acute dyspnoea goes hand in hand with fear, the fear of dying, which is not systematically the case with pain. And, not being a universal experience like pain, dyspnoea might be less susceptible than pain to induce reactions and empathy from those who witness it. Trained healthcare professionals dealing with respiratory distress on a daily basis fail to correctly evaluate the dyspnoea of their patients [5], and even though recent evidence suggests that vicarious dyspnoea does exist in a manner that resembles vicarious pain [6], the dyspnoea of chronic diseases tends to become invisible to caregivers [7]. This is perhaps because medical responses to dyspnoea are less codified and less efficient than responses to pain, but this phenomenon can only amplify the negative consequences of dyspnoea on the psychology of those experiencing it [7, 8]. Yet, as emphasised by Başoğlu [8] in a recent editorial, failure to enquire about, assess and properly treat breathlessness as outlined in specialist clinical guidelines is a breach of clinicians' ethical and legal duties to patients (see also [9]). On top of this clinical importance, respiratory suffering is the point of convergence and the final pathway of an array of diseases that at times have little in common and of which the specialists can have trouble understanding each other. In other words, dyspnoea is the “unifier” of respiratory medicine with all its diversity. For all these reasons, dyspnoea should be a foremost concern for all healthcare professionals, a primary criterion in clinical research, and the focus of specific multidisciplinary research efforts. Fortunately there are indications that this is becoming the case worldwide, and the European Respiratory Society (ERS) plays a significant role in this movement as attested to by a number of publications of all types in the European Respiratory Journal [1, 8, 10–14] and the European Respiratory Monograph series [15], and the endorsement by the ERS of the Dyspnea 2016 meeting organised by the International Dyspnea Society (www.dyspnea2016inparis.fr/sponsors/endorsement).Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy can improve well-being in COPD patients beyond usual therapeutic measures: this is additional evidence for a holistic approach to chronic breathlessness http://ow.ly/Dz2630irqvRThe author is grateful to Miriam J. Johnson for her critical appraisal of the manuscript and her help improving it. ER -