%0期刊论文%A格里尔,马克%A贝拉斯特希,克里斯蒂娜%A Jaksch,彼得%A Benden,基督教%A奥贝尔,约翰%A卢,安东尼%A Lhuillier的,的Elodie%A Hirschi,桑德琳%A雷诺 - Gaubert,马丁%A Philit,弗朗索瓦%A Claustre酒店,约翰娜%A LePalud,皮埃尔%船尾马克%努普,克里斯蒂安%虚拟操作系统,罗宾%A Verschuuren,埃里克%A费舍尔,安德鲁%A里瑟,Gerdt%A汉森,伦纳特%A艾弗森,马丁%AHämmäinen,佩卡%A威德尔,汉斯%A史密茨,杰奎琳%A戈特利布,延%A霍尔姆,异基因造血干细胞移植后M.%T肺移植:一个泛欧洲的经验,%d2018 %R 10.1183/13993003.01330-2017 %J European Respiratory Journal %P 1701330 %V 51 %N 2 %X Late-onset noninfectious pulmonary complications (LONIPCs) affect 6% of allogeneic stem cell transplantation (SCT) recipients within 5 years, conferring subsequent 5-year survival of 50%. Lung transplantation is rarely performed in this setting due to concomitant extrapulmonary morbidity, excessive immunosuppression and concerns about recurring malignancy being considered contraindications. This study assesses survival in highly selected patients undergoing lung transplantation for LONIPCs after SCT.SCT patients undergoing lung transplantation at 20 European centres between 1996 and 2014 were included. Clinical data pre- and post-lung transplantation were reviewed. Propensity score-matched controls were generated from the Eurotransplant and Scandiatransplant registries. Kaplan–Meier survival analysis and Cox proportional hazard regression models evaluating predictors of graft loss were performed.Graft survival at 1, 3 and 5 years of 84%, 72% and 67%, respectively, among the 105 SCT patients proved comparable to controls (p=0.75). Sepsis accounted for 15 out of 37 deaths (41%), with prior mechanical ventilation (HR 6.9, 95% CI 1.0–46.7; p<0.001) the leading risk factor. No SCT-specific risk factors were identified. Recurring malignancy occurred in four patients (4%). Lung transplantation <2 years post-SCT increased all-cause 1-year mortality (HR 7.5, 95% CI 2.3–23.8; p=0.001).Lung transplantation outcomes following SCT were comparable to other end-stage diseases. Lung transplantation should be considered feasible in selected candidates. No SCT-specific factors influencing outcome were identified within this carefully selected patient cohort.Lung transplantation is feasible in selected stem cell transplant recipients http://ow.ly/z4vn30h6gao %U //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/erj/51/2/1701330.full.pdf