@article {Vachi {\ ' e} ry1701886,作者= {Vachi {\ ' e}, jean - luc Delcroix,马里昂和Al-Hiti希克和Efficace Michela Hutyra,马丁和缺乏,加芙Papadakis,凯利和鲁宾,刘易斯j .} title = {Macitentan导致肺动脉高血压左心室功能障碍},体积= {51}= {2},elocation-id = {1701886},year = {2018}, doi = {10.1183/13993003.01886-2017}, publisher ={欧188bet官网地址洲呼吸学会},文摘= {MELODY-1研究评估macitentan左肺动脉高压,因为心脏病患者(PH-LHD)结合后和pre-capillary PH.63 PH-LHD患者和舒张压梯度> = 7毫米汞柱和肺血管阻力(PVR) \ > 3吴被随机macitentan 10毫克(n = 31)或安慰剂(n = 32) 12周。主要终点评估了明显的液体滞留(由于液体超负荷或肠外利尿剂给药导致体重增加>=5\%或>=5 kg)或纽约心脏协会功能分级从基线到治疗结束恶化的复合指标。探索终点包括第12周n端脑利钠肽前体(NT-proBNP)和血流动力学的变化。7例马吉坦治疗组和4例安慰剂治疗组患者出现明显的液体潴留/功能等级恶化;治疗差异:10.08\% (95\% CI -15.07 33.26;p = 0.34)。在第一个月,由液体保留成分驱动的差异是明显的。 At week 12, versus placebo, the macitentan group showed no change in PVR, mean right atrial pressure or pulmonary arterial wedge pressure; a non-significant increase in cardiac index (treatment effect 0.4 (95\% CI 0.1{\textendash}0.7) L{\textperiodcentered}min-1{\textperiodcentered}m-2) and decrease in NT-proBNP (0.77 (0.55{\textendash}1.08)) was observed. Adverse events and serious adverse events were numerically more frequent with macitentan versus placebo.Macitentan-treated patients were quantitatively more likely to experience significant fluid retention versus placebo. Macitentan resulted in no significant changes in any exploratory end-points.In combined post- and pre-capillary PH patients, macitentan was associated with increased incidence of significant fluid retention versus placebo http://ow.ly/leop30hBkQm}, issn = {0903-1936}, URL = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/51/2/1701886}, eprint = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/51/2/1701886.full.pdf}, journal = {European Respiratory Journal} }