哮喘表型:咳嗽和哮鸣是否预示持续性哮喘的恶化?目前尚不清楚未控制哮喘患者的长期症状概况,以及症状是否能预测不同的表型。这些分析的主要目的是评估不受控制的哮喘人群的咳嗽和喘息的日间情况。次要结果是检查这些症状如何影响治疗反应。对1701例患者每日两次的电子记录数据进行人口统计学分析。沙丁胺醇缓解治疗与超细倍氯米松/福莫特罗维持和缓解治疗(MART)进行了比较。然后将加重频率与症状概况相关联。症状在体重指数增加的老年患者中更为常见。在大多数患者中,报告的咳嗽和喘息密切相关(r=0.73)。确定了以咳嗽和喘息为主的两种表型; the former were overweight, older females and the latter older males. Diurnal symptoms of cough and wheeze were similarly attenuated by both therapies. MART reduced exacerbation frequency by a third compared with salbutamol, and this effect was greatest in patients with fewest reported symptoms.While cough and wheeze are highly correlated in uncontrolled asthma, some patients predominantly have cough whereas others wheeze. Symptoms and exacerbation frequency appear poorly associated, suggesting an alternative pathophysiology. MART may be the preferred option in those with fewest symptoms.MART has little impact on asthma symptoms when compared to salbutamol, despite reduction of exacerbation frequency http://ow.ly/aqAJ30eUN9y %U //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/erj/50/6/1701366.full.pdf