PT -期刊文章AU - Weatherald, Jason AU - Huertas, Alice AU - Boucly, Athénaïs AU - Sitbon, Olivier AU - Humbert, Marc AU - Simonneau, Gérald AU - Montani, David AU - Savale, Laurent AU - Jaïs, Xavier TI -肺动脉高血压是否存在肥胖悖论?援助- 10.1183/1393003.国会- 2017。PA3521 DP - 2017年9月01日TA - European Respiratory Journal PG - PA3521 VI - 50 IP - supl 61 4099 - // 4100 - // SO - Eur Respir J2017年9月01日;背景:尽管肥胖对健康有有害影响,但在许多疾病中都描述了肥胖悖论,包括异质性肺动脉高压人群。肥胖是否与特发性(IPAH)、药物和毒素诱导(dah)或遗传性肺动脉高压(hah)的较好预后相关尚不清楚。方法:我们评估了1363例发生在法国肺动脉高压登记处的IPAH、dah和HPAH患者。Cox比例风险回归用于评估肥胖对死亡或肺移植风险的影响。肥胖定义为体重指数(BMI)>30 kg/m2。结果:肥胖患病率为30.7%。肥胖患者中女性(66.6% vs 53.4%, p<0.01)和dah (30.5% vs 9.6%, p<0.01)的比例较高。全身性高血压、糖尿病和甲状腺功能减退在肥胖患者中更为常见。纽约心脏协会III级肥胖者比例较高(65.5% vs. 57.0%), IV级肥胖者比例较低(11.5% vs. 16.7%)(p<0.01), 6分钟步行距离较低(278.3±119.6 vs. 322.3±145.3,p<0.01)。 Right atrial pressure, pulmonary wedge pressure and cardiac index were higher while pulmonary vascular resistance was lower in obese patients. Neither BMI (adjusted HR 0.99, 95%CI 0.97-1.01, p=0.41) nor obesity (adjusted HR 1.0, 95%CI 0.99-1.01, p=0.46) were predictive of death or transplantation in multivariate analyses.Conclusions: We found no association between obesity and survival in a large cohort of incident IPAH, DPAH and HPAH patients. Previous evidence of an obesity paradox in pulmonary hypertension may be related to other confounding factors.