@article {Hoeper1602425, author = {Hoeper, Marius M. and Simonneau, G{\'e}rald and Corris, Paul A. and Ghofrani, Hossein-Ardeschir and Klinger, James R. and Langleben, David and Naeije, Robert andJansa,Pavel和Rosenkranz,Stephan和Scelsi,Laura和Gr {\“ U} Nig,Ekkehard和Vizza,Carmine Dario和Chang,Mikyung和Colorado,Pablo和Colorado,Pablo和Meier,Meier,Christian and Busse and Busse,Busse,Dennis and Bennis and Bennis and Bennis and Raymond L.},Raymond L.},Raymond L.},Raymond L.},Raymond L.title = {喘息:在肺动脉高压患者中切换到对磷酸二酯酶5抑制剂反应不足的患者中,体积= {50},nubm = {3},Elocation-id = {1602425},eary = {2017},doi = {2017},doi = {2017},= {10.1183/13993003.02425-2016},出版商= {欧洲呼吸社会},188bet官网地址摘要= {{肺动脉高压(PAH)患者的比例未达到磷酸二酯酶5抑制剂(PDE5I)的治疗目标。在这些患者中从PDE5I转换为riociguat的好处。Respite是一个24周的开放标签,mulTicentre,不受控制的研究。世界卫生组织(WHO)功能类别(FC)III的患者,步行6分钟(6MWD)165 {\ textendash} 440 m,心脏索引\ <3.0 l {\ textperiodcentered} min-1 min-1 {\ textperieDpericentered} m-2和肺血管抗性\> 400 dyn {\ textperiodectered} s {\ textperiodectered} cm-5在接收riociguat调整后,经过了1 {\ textendendash} 3天PDE5I无治疗期限,最多可调整2.5 mg最大t.i.d.i.d.d.i.d.d.d.d.d.d.d.d.d.d.d.d.d.}。探索性终点包括6MWD的变化,WHO FC,脑纳替肽的N末端激素(NT-ProbNP)和安全的61例患者,51(84 \%)完成了喘息。50(82 \%)接受了伴随的内皮素受体拮抗剂。在第24周,平均{\ textpm} SD 6MWD增加了31 {\ textpm} 63 m,nt-probnp减少了347 {\ textpm} 1235 pg {\ textperieDcentered} ml-1,并改善了28名患者的FC(54)\%)。 32 patients (52\%) experienced study drug-related adverse events and 10 (16\%) experienced serious adverse events (2 (3\%) study drug-related, none during the PDE5i treatment-free period). Six patients (10\%) experienced clinical worsening, including death in two (not study drug-related).In conclusion, selected patients with PAH may benefit from switching from PDE5i to riociguat, but this strategy needs to be further studied. Switching to riociguat in PAH patients with inadequate response to PDE5i improved exercise capacity and NT-proBNP http://ow.ly/e6xL30dXCgy}, issn = {0903-1936}, URL = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/50/3/1602425}, eprint = {//www.qdcxjkg.com/content/50/3/1602425.full.pdf}, journal = {European Respiratory Journal} }