A het, Thaw D. A Teede, Helena J. A de Courten, Barbora Loxton, Deborah J. A Real, Francisco G. A Moran, Lisa J. A Joham,安居e % T哮喘在生殖期的女性与多囊卵巢综合征和与肥胖协会% D R 10.1183/13993003.01334 -2016% 2017% J欧洲呼吸杂志% P 1601334 % V 49% N 5% X最近的研究表明,女性多囊卵巢综合征(PCOS)可能有哮喘的患病率更高。然而,目前还没有流行病学研究主要旨在探讨PCOS与哮喘之间的关系,以及体重指数(BMI)对这种关系的影响。这项研究是对澳大利亚妇女健康纵向研究(Australian Longitudinal study on Women’s Health)数据的横断面分析,该研究是一个大型的、基于社区的前瞻性研究,旨在检查28-33岁女性(n=478名PCOS和n=8134名对照)中PCOS和哮喘之间的关系。PCOS患者中哮喘患病率为15.2%,非PCOS患者中哮喘患病率为10.6% (p=0.004)。有哮喘的PCOS女性BMI高于无哮喘女性(29.9±0.9 vs 27.7±0.4 kg·m−2;p = 0.054)。有哮喘的无PCOS女性的BMI高于无哮喘女性(26.4±0.2 vs 24.9±0.1 kg·m - 2;p < 0.001)。在调整了年龄、BMI和吸烟状况后,PCOS与哮喘的优势比增加相关(优势比为1.34,95% CI 1.004-1.79;p = 0.047)。This study showed both PCOS status and overweight/obese status were independently associated with asthma. Further prospective studies are required to explore the possible mechanisms underpinning the association between asthma and PCOS.In reproductive-aged women, polycystic ovary syndrome is associated with asthma independent of BMI http://ow.ly/YSa330a0vMm %U //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/erj/49/5/1601334.full.pdf