PT -期刊文章AU -威尔希尔,坎迪斯盟- Fuller, Carson AU - Ely, Rob AU - Gilbert, Christopher AU - Louie, Brian AU - Aye, Ralph AU - Farivar, Alexander AU - Vallieres, Eric AU - Gorden, Jed TI - Early consideration of definitive pleural palliation can reduce the number and duration of serial thoracentesis AID - 10.1183/13993003.congress-2016.PA5049 DP - 2016 Sep 01 TA - European Respiratory Journal PG - PA5049 VI - 48 IP - suppl 60 4099 - // 4100 - // SO - Eur Respir J2016 Sep 01; 48 AB - Background Many pleural effusions are related to chronic illnesses which require repeated thoracenteses. This binds patients to the health care system and may decrease independence and quality of life.Aim In patients with recurrent pleural effusions we aimed to compare thoracenteses number and span of thoracentesis treatment in those managed by serial thoracentesis alone versus those that ultimately underwent definitive pleural intervention.Methods We reviewed patients from 2013-2015 that underwent treatment for a recurrent (≥3 episodes) pleural effusion. Patients were divided into two groups: serial thoracenteses alone (ST), and thoracentesis with definitive intervention (DI). Values are median (interquartile ranges).Results Of 259 hemi-thoraces, 161 were in DI and 98 in ST. Thoracentesis number was less in DI (3, 2-4) versus ST (4, 3-5), p=0.01. Duration of thoracenteses treatment was less in DI (21 days, 8-65) versus ST (80 days, 30-207), p<0.01. Survival following last thoracentesis exceeded 90 days in both groups (DI: 101 days, 29-266; versus ST: 155 days, 23-477; p=0.04). Similar trends were identified when categorized by effusion etiology MalignantBenignST(41%)DI(88%)pST(59%)DI(12%)pThoracenteses, number4(3-5)3(2-4)0.024(3-5)4(2-5)0.29Spanof thoracentesis, days68(17-210)19(7-63)0.0684(49-180)32(16-67)<0.01Survival, days67(8-215)101(25-259)0.98264(41-580)152(44-387)0.19Conclusions Number of thoracenteses and duration of treatment for recurrent pleural effusions was less in patients who ultimately underwent a definitive pleural intervention. Early consideration of definitive pleural intervention may translate into earlier return to independence.