TY - JOUR T1 -瑞典胸膜间皮瘤的发病率和家族风险:JF - European Respiratory Journal JO - Eur Respir J SP - 873 LP - 879 DO - 10.1183/13993003.00091-2016 VL - 48 IS - 3 AU - Ji, jian - anguang AU - Sundquist, Jan AU - Sundquist,Kristina Y1 - 2016/09/01 UR - //www.qdcxjkg.com/content/48/3/873.abstract N2 -以前曾报道过胸膜间皮瘤的家族聚集性,但没有一份报告量化间皮瘤的家族风险或与其他癌症的相关性。共同的环境或遗传因素对间皮瘤聚集的贡献尚不清楚。我们使用了一些瑞典登记,包括瑞典多代登记和瑞典癌症登记,来检查后代间皮瘤的家族风险。使用标准化发病率(SIRs)来计算风险。年龄标准化的间皮瘤发病率从瑞典癌症登记处计算。间皮瘤的发病率在2000年达到高峰,之后逐渐下降。当父母或兄弟姐妹被诊断为间皮瘤时,间皮瘤的风险显著增加,SIRs分别为3.88 (95% CI 1.01-10.04)和12.37 (95% CI 5.89-22.84)。兄弟姐妹中间皮瘤与肾癌(SIR 2.13, 95% CI 1.16-3.59)和膀胱癌(SIR 2.09, 95% CI 1.32-3.14)相关。配偶之间没有关联。Family history of mesothelioma, including both parental and sibling history, is an important risk factor for mesothelioma. Shared genetic factors may contribute to the observed familial clustering of mesothelioma, but the contribution of shared environmental factors could not be neglected. The association with kidney and bladder cancers calls for further study to explore the underlying mechanisms.Mesothelioma in Sweden began to decrease after 2000; family history is a risk factor for mesothelioma http://ow.ly/4mJemg ER -