PT-日记文章Au -Elborn,J。Stuartau -Bell,Scott C. Au -Madge,Susan L. Au -Burgel -Burgel,Pierre -Regis Au -Castellani,Carlo Au -Conway -Conway,Steven Au -de Rijcke,Karleen Au-- Karleen Au--Dembski,Birgit au -Drevinek,Pavel Au- Heijerman,Harry G.M.Au -Innes,J。Alistairau -Lindblad,Anders au -Marshall,Bruce Au -Olesen,Hanne V. Au -Reimann,Andreas L. Au -Solé,Ampara au -Viviani -Viviani,Laura Au -Wagner -Wagner,Thomas O.F.Au -Welte,Tobias au -blasi,Francesco TI-欧洲呼吸社会/欧洲囊性纤维化协会的报告/188bet官网地址囊性纤维化辅助的成年人护理工作组 - 10.1183/13993003.00592-2015PG -420--428 VI -47 IP -2 4099 - 4100 - SO -EUR RESTIR J2016 2月1日;47 AB-囊性纤维化患者的生存率改善导致成年患者数量越来越多。在未来几十年中,这种趋势可能会维持,这表明需要增加具有囊性纤维化患者管理专业知识的中心数量。除了解决患者及其家人的心理负担之外,这些中心应能够提供多学科护理,以解决该疾病的复杂性。需要注意的进一步问题是器官移植和生命管理的终结。患有囊性纤维化的成年人肺部疾病驱动了大多数临床护理要求,以及严重威胁生命的并发症,例如呼吸道感染,呼吸衰竭,气胸和血液毛和血液疾病,以及疾病以及疾病。肺移植的管理需要训练有素的呼吸医生的专业知识。 The taskforce therefore strongly reccommends that medical leadership in multidisciplinary adult teams should be attributed to a respiratory physician adequately trained in cystic fibrosis management.The task force suggests the implementation of a core curriculum for trainees in adult respiratory medicine and the selection and accreditation of training centres that deliver postgraduate training to the standards of the HERMES programme.Respiratory physicians, trained in adult CF management, should lead multidisciplinary teams taking care of patients